Sitemap - 2023 - La Cuenta

The Cost of the Future

The cost of narco beauty standards

"I Am Not the Survival. I Am the Victory."

"Qué Hermosura"

"Diaspora Writes to Her New Home"

The Meals That We Eat: The Cost of Giving Thanks

How Border Checkpoints Create “Enemies”

“How do we create permanent solutions for our folks?”

“I believe in the power that artists have in changing our world.”

"Real justice and freedom doesn't come until all people are free."

La Cuenta Turns One!

Unaccompanied Alien Children

“You are American regardless of what anyone tells you."

"It's about being able to control the narrative. That's why they were always going to lose."

"I'm trying to pay attention to some of the new rhythms of life and how things have changed."

"Who does it serve to write stories of trauma for the sake of spectacle for a white consumer?"

The Ones We Left Behind

This world ain’t the same for everyone.

“I saw that borders were affecting love stories everywhere."

“Why can't everyone travel the world as freely as I can?”

Reflections from the Emergency Room

“That's why I'm here: I see myself in the kids that we work with.”

"The Biden administration has not kept their promise--it's still criminalizing immigrants."

“Children should be treated as children, no matter their status or how they come into this country.”

Every 18 months I am reminded I am not wanted here

Mothering as an Undocumented Woman in America

Rediscovering my strength once again

Calling all Undocumented Storytellers, Poets, Artists, and Dreamers

The Cost of Your Diploma

Siempre Florecemos

"Mija, I don't know if you thought about it this way, but we were also separated because of immigration.”

Art-Healing Praxis and Family Separation

“We like to think that we are a country where children are protected and innocence is sacred."

"Handmade and ugly-ish": Healing homesickness one coyota at a time

“English Learner is what we do to kids. It's a label that we put on them, like a stamp.”

The Exploitative Reality of Paying Taxes as Undocumented Immigrants

Announcing The Cost of Convenience (coming to a bookstore near you)

No, we don't actually "live in the shadows."

Uniting Immigrant Voices through Worker Co-ops

"Being undocumented is being political."

Supporting UndocuProfessionals through mentorship and networking with Sharet Garcia

Surviving in DeSantis’s Anti-Immigration Florida

“There's a real cost to becoming bilingual.”

"The cost of learning English depends on who you are."

Working in Community: A conversation with the Immigrants' Rights Clinic at Stanford Law School

“You’re not like other immigrants.”

The Costs of Generation 1.5 - “Ni de aquí, ni de allá”

The Lessons of Immigration: We Want to Hear from You

Dying Invisibly: The Cost of Getting Old

Your Words are Killing Me

"It should not be this difficult for me to just survive": What happens when undocumented students graduate?

I hate when people tell me, "I look up to you. You do so much." It's not a choice.

“He tortures toys, just for fun": The Rotten State of Immigration Politics in 2023